SM kilpailut käytiin Paraisilla Gullkrona Kryssarklubb:in satamassa. Keli oli hyvä ja suunnaltaan vakaa mutta välillä hiukan puuskittainen n. 4-6m/s tuuli puhalsi idästä tuoden jonkun verran levää ja ruohoa rata-alueelle. Hyvää kilpailua siitä huolimatta että osanottajamäärä jäi pieneksi eikä ulkomaalaisia saatu mukaan.
Monthly Archives: heinäkuu 2011
Pieni purjevene ISO ilo
EM-kisojen yhteydessä julkaistu ”Pieni purjevene iso ilo” artikkeli: pieni_purjevene_iso_ilo_2011
Notice of Race: 2011 Scandinavian IOM Cup, race 2, 27-28 August 2011
Notice of Race: Scandinavian IOM Cup 2011, Race 3, 27-28 August 2011.
1. Venue
The race will be held in Helsinki, Finland, at Koivusaari (Björkholmen), hosted by NJK (Nyländska Jaktklubben).
2. Dates and preliminary Program
Friday August 12th, 2011: Closing Date for entries
Saturday August 27th, 2011: Registration 9.30-11.30, Briefing 11.30, Racing 12.00 – 17.30
Sunday August 28th, 2011: Briefing 09.30, Racing 10.00 – 14.30
3. Organising Authority
The race is organised by NJK (Nyländska Jaktklubben) and the RC-Sailors of Finland.
4. Rules
The event will be governed by the “rules” as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 (RRS) as changed by the RRS Appendix E, this Notice of Race (NoR), the Sailing Instructions (SI), the IOM class rules, the Scandinavian IOM Cup rules and the Equipment Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 (ERS). The Sailing Instructions shall prevail in case of conflict with this Notice of Race. The English language version of these documents shall prevail.
5. Eligibility
The competition is open to IOM class boats. The ISAF Regulations regarding eligibility apply with the additional requirements of the Scandinavian IOM Cup rules.
6. Registration
The boats shall be presented for registration and equipment inspection with a valid IOM Class Certificate on Saturday September 11th. The Race Committee may extend the time for registration and inspection if there is a valid reason to do so. No boat shall be eligible to race until it has been registered and has passed equipment inspection.
7. Sailing instructions
The sailing instructions will be available at registration.
8. Scoring and Racing System
The Regatta will be raced and scored under the Heat Management System (HMS 2007). Entries shall be limited to 36 boats. There will be no more than 2 heats. Heat selection for Race 1 will be a random selection.
9. Entries
Each Nordic NCA is allocated 8 places and 4 places are allocated for non-Nordic entrants. If there are still places after initial allocation, any available places shall be allocated to NCAs that have sent in applications for additional places before the closing date. The Nordic IOM sailors enter via their NCA, which in turn prepares a prioritized list and send it by e-mail to with the following information: Name, address, sail number, frequencies available. Non Nordic IOM sailors should send their entries directly by e-mail to
The entries shall be in the hands of the organisers no later than August 12th, 2011.
The entry fee of 20 EUR shall be paid at registration.
10. Equipment Inspection
It is intended that all boats will pass equipment inspection on August 27th, 2011. Nonetheless, the Race Committee may at any time request the Equipment Inspector to confirm that a boat complies with the IOM Class Rules. Random spot checks may be made throughout the event.
11. Jury
There may be a Jury consisting one or more judges. In case of the absence of a jury each country nominates a first/second candidate which will form a protest committee. There may be umpiring on the water. The Sailing Instructions will contain details on the procedure.
12. Frequencies
The permitted frequency bands are 27 MHz, 40 MHz and 2.4 GHz. Each competitor (if 27 MHz or 40 MHz) must have a minimum of 3 frequencies available.
13. Prizes
Prizes will be awarded to the first six in the final results.
14. Disclaimer of Liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS rule 4, Decision to race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. Competitors are advised to ensure that they have adequate personal insurance that provides cover for public liability and their possible injury in Finland.
15. Other information
Racing area and launching area will be indicated in the SI.
For further regatta information, please visit or and/or contact
Anders Wallin,
For travel and site information see Notice of Race from 2010:
Avoimet Micromagic Suomenmestaruuskilpailut 30.-31.7.2011 Paraisilla
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